Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Comstock Workers Wrap Trees at River by Cora

On Wednesday, July 8th, the Comstock Workers program teamed up with the Dayton Valley Conservation District to wrap trees with wire for protection from the beavers. Blake Hiller was our leader and had planned on jobs for us to do. At first he had us pulling up dead White Top weeds from around the river bed. After that was accomplished Blake took us for a walk on the trails right around the river so we could learn about the damage that beavers were doing to the Cottonwood trees. Blake showed us how to wrap the trees so they would be safe from beavers and would still be able to grow. We then were put into groups and were given a new roll of wire and a pair of wire cutters. Around 10 o’clock Linda came and was helping out. Linda and I became a pair instead of a group and we went off to wrap some trees. We had to rewrap some of them, but then we got to wrap our own. We wrapped seven trees together over all and were forced back to our site to eat lunch. When that part of the day was through and everyone was gathered, Linda had an activity planned. Now earlier that day she told me I was going to be a beaver and asked if I would mind, because some people might laugh at me. Well I thought she was just kidding. She talked about the beavers for about five minutes, and then called me up to help her. I stood there thinking I was going to have to talk about what I knew about beavers or something but boy was I wrong. Linda started dressing me up like I was a beaver. She put flippers on my feet, a balloon under the raincoat for my lungs, gloves with plastic finger nails on them, goggles, a belt with a dust pan on the end for my tail, and just all kinds of stuff. Meanwhile a beaver pelt was being passed around. Nobody really wanted to touch it so they would a signal for the person to pass it to someone else. After all this, the day at the river was through. We went back to the community center and got our checks, and were told we were going to be wrapping trees down at the river again on the 29th.

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